Let’s Get Flocked!

For a mere $20 for one flock, $40 for two flocks, or $60 for three flocks, you can hire the avian keepers to stealthily lead the flock of flamingos to a friend’s home. The flock will be placed in a conspicuous but safe yard area and be gone in 24 hours (more or less depending on wind speeds). Occasions to “flock” someone include service to the community, birthdays, anniversaries, illness recoveries, or for any reason. You will be contacted before the flock is placed. It is sure to bring joy to the recipients and smiles to passersby.

Paying by Cash or Check

Download and complete the form below, then drop it off with your donation to the avian chairperson’s home.

  • Kathy Paske
    4531 Regency Crossing

Let’s Get Flocking!

Online request and payment

Complete the form below to indicate the person to be flocked. You will then be directed to pay via credit card or PayPal. Flocking recipients will receive a notice of who “flocked” them and how to pass on the fun.

For questions, contact Kathy Paske at (518) 573-2131 or flocking@sjserviceclub.org.

Proceeds fund Brunswick County nonprofit grants.

Let’s Get Flocking!